American Drain
Far Superior to French drains
American Drain doesn’t clog French Drains. It creates a structural trench that
allows water to easily enter into the sides and through the top. It’s easy to access for
cleaning and maintenance so it lasts more than a lifetime.
World’s Best Waterproofing
American Drain doesn’t clog French Drains. It creates a structural trench that
allows water to easily enter into the sides and through the top. It’s easy to access for
cleaning and maintenance so it lasts more than a lifetime.
Innovative Linear Yard Drains
This system allows linear drains to easily be incorporated into a new or existing
drainage system for a fraction of the cost of trough or channel drains.
French Drain
Water has to pass through soil & silt to enter slowly.
American Drain
Allows water to enter quickly.

Worlds Best Waterproofing
When traditional waterproofing fails, the walls have to be dug up to repair it.
American Drain provides water – and technicians – with easy access to the system.